This year Had lot of Good albums !
im not saying that those are the top 10 or top 20 but im trying to put some of the best albums of my point of view !
so im just sharing it with you Guys \m/
so first album
im not saying that those are the top 10 or top 20 but im trying to put some of the best albums of my point of view !
so im just sharing it with you Guys \m/
so first album
Hypocrisy : End of Disclosure
this album give me the impression of 90s metal but its in 2013, this master piece of Melodic Black Metal give you that Urrrrrrrrrrr YEAHHHHH \m/ specially 'Virus' and 'A taste of extreme divinity' were both pretty awesome its also Melodeath with an extra dose of thrash, “44 Double Zero” is
by far one of the best Hypocrisy songs ever !
the album length about 46:23 mns and i love it \m/
album number 2
Toxic Holocaust : Chemistry Of Consciousness
this album Really good, Old School good thrash with a very good and aggressive vocal. Sounds bit like Kill'em all with a death metal Vocal and while ur listening to this album you gonna be like OHH MOTHER OF METAL THIS ALBUM IS AMAZIIIIIING !
Grind's harsh vocals mixed with slayer-influenced guitar riffs make the album all worthwhile and ten times more powerful than previous albums !
'Overdose' is the most amazing one on the album on my point of view as always cos it gives you that impression of Toxic Holocaust x10 it brought the best of them on that one \m/
the only thing that i dont like in this album ! is its just 30:55 mns i feel like i wanna this album last for ever if it was longer it would be perfect but still replay bottom a good choice \m/
album number 3
Obituary : Frozen in Time
This band From Florida Gave us a fucking great Album a collection of 10 pure Death metal tracks done as only Obituary know how to do, and if u did listen to this album u know that 36:44 mn was one of the fastest minutes in ur life !
We also like the Heavy riffs and the solo's worked very well also John Tardy was always a beast behind that microphone for me the band always was in the Right mood to preform and bring to their fans the best of \m/
the only thing that we can complain about is the band keep playing the same way so ! some how we feel like the songs are the same and they just do again what they did before \m/
When u start listening to this album u feel like FUCK THIS IS DEATH METAL \m/(-_-)\m/ and u can fight a whole army then fly to have sex with aliens, what i mean this is one of my most favorite albums this year riffs are awesome solo's are incredible vocals bring the Monster inside of you \m/ shortly ur neighbors will listen to it they liked it or no \m/
best thing they put some doom on it so u can enjoy a masterpiece of Doom\Death metal \m/
specially the Echo on the Drummers / vocalist Chris Reifert that slams you in the face with his brutality .
'Slaughterday','Dead', and 'Bonesaw' one of my fave ones it also have amazing Drums the bass was low in this album i would like to enjoy it more but it also give u great tone when u focus on the guitar !
and if u did hear this album you gonna feel the suspense on every start on every song you'll be like whats now .... then u gonna be like YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH \m/ this is the best Doom/Death metal in my opinion !
We also like the Heavy riffs and the solo's worked very well also John Tardy was always a beast behind that microphone for me the band always was in the Right mood to preform and bring to their fans the best of \m/
the only thing that we can complain about is the band keep playing the same way so ! some how we feel like the songs are the same and they just do again what they did before \m/
album number 4
Autospy : Mental Funeral
best thing they put some doom on it so u can enjoy a masterpiece of Doom\Death metal \m/
specially the Echo on the Drummers / vocalist Chris Reifert that slams you in the face with his brutality .
'Slaughterday','Dead', and 'Bonesaw' one of my fave ones it also have amazing Drums the bass was low in this album i would like to enjoy it more but it also give u great tone when u focus on the guitar !
and if u did hear this album you gonna feel the suspense on every start on every song you'll be like whats now .... then u gonna be like YEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH \m/ this is the best Doom/Death metal in my opinion !
album number 5
Amon Amarth: Deceiver of the gods
First thing AMON AMARTH thank you for 12 amazing tracks 01:07:47 minutes of eargasms \m/
Finally i can enjoy long album of Melodic Death metal \m/
well first impression of the album when u buy the CD u find out that there is AMON AMARTH writing in many fonts like AC/DC , JUDAS PRIEST , BLACK SABBATH and IRON MAIDEN
when u listen to the album u hear that AA brought us their intelligence in playing Death metal influenced by Other metal genres riffs Lyrics are good too Johan Hegg tell us lot of stories in this album with a fucking perfect way he did really preform his work in a PERFECT way and i think this is the best album of them may be lot of fans wont like it but all they need to do is to think deeply on how much AA worked on this album and Once they are open minded they will find that this album is a masterpiece \m/
Album Number 6
Carcass : Surgical Steel
The fan waited for this album a Lot ! They are all wanted to have that album which is released on September 17th a date that every fans remember it cos they were never disappointed of it \m/
this British band Kept the head of Death metal up as it always Being The Bassist/vocalist Jeff Walker Done Great job on the Instrument and also on Vocals ! his voice dident change which is amazing \m/
The riffs and vocals satisfy you and make u feel that ur 10 times Stronger \m/
the album have 49:00 minutes of Pure Death Metal 'A congealed Clot of Blood' is my fave one on this album and one thing if u dident listen to that album yet ! You Should \m/ cos ur missing a lot \m/
album number 7
Fleshgod Apocalypse: Labyrinth
this album is fully Technical Death metal and Symphonic metal what i liked the most on this album is the Piano intro or when u hear that piano in the song u feel like this is CLASSIC i love it also they did keep that opera influence in their songs which make them unique so thank you ITALY for this Great band \m/
when u hear that album u feel like there is lot of spirits on it Verdi Vivaldi Morricone . and while ur listening to some parts of this album u feel like ur not listening to Technical death metal any more but u still like it and it bring u back and slam u in the face with their awesomeness one of my super fave albums its really a Good Italian Job \m/
one last thing when u listen to it u may not understand all the lyrics but when u read the booklet trust me u will live an adventure and the album cover show it all \m/
album number 8
Man must die: Peace was never an option
First of all i love the album cover its philosophical this Scottish band brought to us an amazing Technical death metal /grindcore they also improved their sound in this album \m/
the grind elements are more prevalent then ever we have also melodic presence the songs flow perfectly and the quality never drops at any point on this album \m/
Joe Macglynn did a really good job by his voice also was a good key song writer also the rest of the band did a great job guitars are fast and aggressive and one of my fave things on this album the breakdowns are fucking awesome, im not talking about the deathcore breakdowns im talking about the really old breakdowns more technical more catchy \m/
album number 9
Ghost BC: Infestissumam
first of all i think Ghost is the wrong name of this band cos when i first heard it by a friend i though it would have a dissonant guitar work and pervasive ambiance but they have that hooky songs structures also that melodic that takes u high !they brought up more memories of Blue Öyster Cult and Mercyful Fate than that of Waiten or Mayhem !
and when i did think of this one i though it will have the same thing as the first album but they did really done a good work on it they took the 70s music its like they dident get trend of the last 30 years music and all they did took that old music turned on a PERFECT record so we can enjoy it till 2014 this album have lot of few Hard rock, shock rock, Early doom metal also a hint of pop this album too had diversify to the first one it doesn't have that standard guitar voice they also included features of piano that make u love the songs great job by the keyboardists \m/
also i noticed that the guitarist took the back seat many times so we dident feel the presence of it but in few songs
Last album on this part
Sorcery: Arrival at six
Another Swedish band welcome back to the Swedish Death metal bands \m/
this band was formed in 1986 after just one album they disbanded in 1997 but in 2013 they did come back with this brutal album so the fans waited for more than 15 years to get finally rewarded by this amazing piece of DEATH METAL !
this album is an OLD SCHOOL death metal that smack u in the face from the beginning of the album with the Riffs, screams and lyrics best thing its influenced by the early metal and we can clearly hear some of Entombed on it !
Melodic Is here with the Lead Guitar Riffs and vocals are amazing \m/
the band did make sure they dont slow down on many parts of the album and once they did few times they did make sure they dont lose their intensity
AGAIN great job on this album and we really wish to hear more of this band \m/
Finally this is just part one there is lot of albums that should be here so ill make sure ill put it in the second part feel free to tell me what u think of this in my page
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